Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Key, into you

Once in awhile, we dream of waking up to the person we love lying right beside us. That very morning would be the best morning we ever get in awhile. Waking up to something like that, we know that nothing else in the world matter. Opening your eyes and seeing the person you love still asleep beside you. Observing the way they sleep. Looking at how innocent they look when they are sleeping. Listening to their breathing at their most peaceful time of the day. It's feel like you on a sweet scented field and all that matters is that person lying next to you although they are still asleep. 

Though you're not speaking to one another as he/she is still asleep but yet it's the warmest you will feel with he/she just by your side. You wake up knowing that everything will be fine as you have all you need just by your side. It's like though you woke up with the sunshine in your hands. It brightens up the rest of your day. You'll smile without knowing that you're doing so.

Everyone has little weaknesses and this happen to be one of mine. All I need was to know that he's fine and I will be too. I just needed to know he's happy and I would be glad. I just need to know that he's alright and I would be able to set my mind at ease.

Life is just so funny at time. Everyone wants to lead life their way but someone you unknowingly handed the key into yourself to someone else. This someone would then be the reason of your emotions. No matter how big or small the matter is that happens on this person, you know it's gonna be affecting you thought the actual matter might not even affect you. When we hand over this key to the special one, we might not even know that we have done so. Yet, we slowly allow them to control our emotion. 

How shall we define strong? How shall we define weak? 
Who shall hold the key to you? 
Or should there even be someone to hold the key into you?
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