When I was in primary school, I was a very very mischievous kid. One with seriously a lot of problem that teachers really have a headache with.
Let me recall what I did when I entered primary school. When I was in primary one, I was like any other primary one kids. Really obedient, shy & quiet. But as I proceed to primary two, everything changes.
When we're given a homework, I throw them in the classroom behind the metal cabinet so that when I'm home mummy can't find any homework that I have. When it's recess time, I sit on the latch of the third level like though enjoying the view, I kind of like it though but I scare the hell out of my principal, teachers & prefects. I mean I wasn't thinking of doing anything silly but I guess they read it that way. After that few incidents, I have to be followed around by a prefect every recess time. When I'm in class, I sleep. When any teacher wanna punish me, I would gladly just walk out of the classroom and sit outside. One hell of a rebellious kid in primary two.
Most of my teachers gave up hope on me. My mum get all the complain without fail every week. Either homework missing, not being a good kid in school and any other reason, there's always a complain, every week. Teachers try to be nice to me and thinking hopefully I would be nice to them and not give them so much headache, but I guess it didn't work out.
But there was this particular teacher who didn't give up hope on me. She didn't categorise me as a different student though I'm super mischievous. She treated me like how she would treat any of her other students. She didn't give up hope on me either. Knowing that I have problem paying attention in class, she took the time out to give me 1 to 1 so that I could learn better. She did that without fail everything she read an "I don't get that" face on me or whenever she see me dozing off in class.
Slowly I start like to her, I start to like going to class, and slowly, I realize she also changes my behaviour. I turn into someone who isn't much of a headache to the teachers anymore. I become more cooperative. She showed me so much patient, so much attention, care & love at that point of time when most of the teachers thought that I was already hopeless.
Till this day, I'm grateful towards her. When I completed my primary two and proceed to primary three, she no longer teaches in my school anymore. I was glad that I met her and was thought by her. She has made such a big influence in me.
And there is one thing that is such a coincident.
My name: 群惠
Her name: 慧群
Same han yu ping yin but direct flip of the words.
Ms Tan, thanks for all the attention, time & care you had for me.
Thanks for not giving up on me like how others did. You made me a better person.
I believe everyone would meet into someone who would changed them into a better person.

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