Saturday, May 18, 2013

Happy 5 Months Babyboy! ❤

Still remember when my friend first bought him to my place, he was only 6 weeks old. Upon putting him into his new home(cage), he was doing his happy hop. I was so happy to see him. It's been years since I had a pet. Time surely do flies, my babyboy is 5 months old already! 5 months ago my life was pretty messed up for me, emotionally. But whenever I came home, I would sit in front of his cage and sayang him. He then became my 开心果 (fruit of happiness? sorry, I couldn't find a totally make sense translation), whenever I see him I would let off a smile without realizing it.

When he first came to my place and he was only 6 weeks old.

When he reached 2 months old, he's no longer shy around. Climbing around everywhere. My house is really his house and I mean the whole house not just his cage. And by the time, my family also threw our attention onto him as though we had a new born baby at home.

His 3rd month at my place. After running around my room for quite some time, he decided to just take a nap in a corner of my room. At that point of time I was already complaining that he's very fat! It became my brother's habit to play with him everyday. They are so close that they even share a apple together. 
Dear brother if you see this, do note that you have never shared an apple with your beloved sister, me, before.

And this was just last month, when he was 4 months old. Fat like a fur ball already. All the funny name from my brother and boyfriend came about. Like fat fuck, furball, pubor and many many not very nice name. We didn't really give him a name as he was the only pet at home, and we got so used to just calling him "boy" Thinking of it makes me feel like a mother calling for her son.

And for now....

I'm so glad to have my babyboy in my life. He made life so much colorful and brighter. Always bringing a smile to my face no matter how playful or naughty he is. Partially I think my family and I spoil him, always letting him out running too often. But somehow, I like him this way!

Not forgetting, I wanna thank the one who brought me this fur ball of happiness. Thanks for letting me have this little rascal who brings joy to me and my family. Thank you! ❤

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